Szakértő Német Ügyintézés

Adóbevallás, Családipótlék igénylés, Hitel igénylés egyszerűvé téve az ön számára

Sok elégedett ügyfél megbíZik bennünk.



Megbízható partnere az adóbevallások, családipótlék igénylések, hitel igénylések és egyéb ügyek esetén.

A person is sitting on the floor surrounded by tax forms and documents, holding a piece of paper in one hand. There is a smartphone with a calculator app open, and a pen placed on one of the documents.
A person is sitting on the floor surrounded by tax forms and documents, holding a piece of paper in one hand. There is a smartphone with a calculator app open, and a pen placed on one of the documents.
A set of tax forms and documents is placed neatly on a dark surface. There is a black coffee mug to the right of the documents, and a pen is resting on a folder. The scene suggests a workspace setting.
A set of tax forms and documents is placed neatly on a dark surface. There is a black coffee mug to the right of the documents, and a pen is resting on a folder. The scene suggests a workspace setting.

Professzionális ügyintézés

Providing efficient tax returns, child benefit applications, and translation services in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Several U.S. ten-dollar bills are placed on top of IRS tax forms and documents, including Form 1040 and envelopes addressed from the Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service.
Several U.S. ten-dollar bills are placed on top of IRS tax forms and documents, including Form 1040 and envelopes addressed from the Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service.
A tax form labeled Form 1120 sits on a wooden table. A black pen rests on the form, and a gray zippered pouch is partially visible beside it.
A tax form labeled Form 1120 sits on a wooden table. A black pen rests on the form, and a gray zippered pouch is partially visible beside it.

Leegyszerűsítjük adóbevallási folyamatát, biztosítva a pontosságot és a német szabályozásnak való megfelelést.

Családipótlék igénylés

Segítségnyújtás gyermektámogatási kérelmek benyújtásában, hogy garantáltan megkapja a megérdemelt támogatást Németországban.

A Kovacs Services zökkenőmentessé és stresszmentessé tették az adóbevallási folyamatomat. Nagyon ajánlom szakértelmüket!

Tóth Cecília

A black and white illustration featuring a man holding two signs. The left sign mentions a reduction in income tax on earned incomes, and the right sign discusses funds set aside for old age pensions. Two other men wearing hats are looking up at the man holding the signs. The text at the top reads 'Help for the Workers', and there is an explanation about Mr. Asquith's budget at the bottom.
A black and white illustration featuring a man holding two signs. The left sign mentions a reduction in income tax on earned incomes, and the right sign discusses funds set aside for old age pensions. Two other men wearing hats are looking up at the man holding the signs. The text at the top reads 'Help for the Workers', and there is an explanation about Mr. Asquith's budget at the bottom.
A document page with blue and white background text detailing new arrangements for TV licenses for individuals over 75. The text mentions the end of free TV licenses funded by the government and provides information regarding eligibility and application.
A document page with blue and white background text detailing new arrangements for TV licenses for individuals over 75. The text mentions the end of free TV licenses funded by the government and provides information regarding eligibility and application.


Helyi ügyintézés

Karlsruhe -ban találhatóak vagyunk, ebből kifolyólag helyi ügyintézés ott és környékén lehetséges.


Karlsruhe, Germany, 76131


Hétfőtől péntekig 8-18 -ig